The Bible in 4 Weeks

In this 4 week series, we get a crash course on the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

In this 4 week series, we get a crash course on the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Key Points:

  • God made people for relationship with Him.
  • God made a special promise to a guy named Abraham.
  • Abraham’s grandkids became a nation called Israel.
  • Abraham’s family tree leads to Jesus.
  • The Whole story of the Bible is about Jesus.

Memory Verse:

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Talk About It
  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
  2. Why do you think God wants relationship with us?
  3. Read Genesis 12:1-3 as a family. List the promises God made to Abraham.
  4. Do you know any other stories about Abraham? Share.
  5. Parents, share your family history with your kids. Where did your ancestors come from? What nationality are you?
  6. Who’s the most important person in the Bible? Do you know why?
  7. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?


In this 4 week series, we get a crash course on the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Key Points:

  • The whole story of the Bible is about Jesus.
  • All the great stories in the Bible are true stories.
  • Most of the Old Testament stories show us that sin is a problem.
  • God chose David to be king.
  • An ordinary king couldn’t fix their sin.
  • Jesus is the King that fixes sin.

Memory Verse:

Isaiah 53:6 All of us, like sheep, have strayed away. We have left God’s paths to follow our own.

Talk About It
  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
  2. What do you know about Moses? Read Exodus 2:1-10 to hear some of his story.
  3. Have you heard what Joshua did in the town of Jericho? Read Joshua 6:15-16,20 What do you think Joshua was thinking about God’s plan?
  4. Do you remember any stories about David? Share. Why do you think God chose him to be king?
  5. Who’s the king who can fix our sin? What did He do to fix it?
  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?


In this 4 week series, we get a crash course on the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Key Points:

  • Jesus came from heaven to fix the world.
  • Jesus taught us how to honor God.
  • Jesus died to forgive our sins.
  • Jesus rose from the dead to give us new life.
  • We have to put our trust in Jesus to be saved.

Memory Verse:

Romans 3:22 We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ.

Talk About It
  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
  2. Why did Jesus need to come to make us right with God?
  3. Make a list of things Jesus has taught us from the Bible. Why do you think He cares how we act?What did Jesus do to make us right with God?
  4. Read Romans 6:9-11. Jesus died and rose to break the power of sin. What do you think it means that you can be “dead” to the power of sin?
  5. Read Romans 10:9-10. What do we need to do to be saved?
  6. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?


In this 4 week series, we get a crash course on the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Key Points:

  • The book of Acts tells us about the early church.
  • The church is not a building; it’s people.
  • The early church didn’t even have a building.
  • The church wasn’t perfect, but it was unstoppable.
  • We are the same church as the one in the Bible.

Memory Verse:

Matthew 28:19 “…go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of Jesus.”

Talk About It
  1. What’s your favorite part of the video? What’s one thing you learned from it?
  2. What’s your favorite thing about your church?
  3. Why are people more important than a building?
  4. Read Acts 2:42-47. List the things the church did together. Do you do any of these things with your church?
  5. Why do you think every church is imperfect?
  6. Why did the early church grow? What can you do to help your church grow?
  7. How will you apply this lesson to your life this week?