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Quarter 12
Download Video Pack
- June 7 – Armor of God (BIBLE BASICS)
- June 14 – Acts #7: Peter’s Big Escape (BIBLE STORYLINE)
- June 28 – Acts #8: Paul Hits the Road (BIBLE STORYLINE)
- June 21 – Acts #9: The Big Meeting in Jerusalem (BIBLE STORYLINE)
- July 5 – Acts #10: Paul and Silas Go to Jail (BIBLE STORYLINE)
- July 12 – Acts #11: The Shipwreck (BIBLE STORYLINE)
- July 19 – Acts #12: Paul in Rome (BIBLE STORYLINE)
- July 26 – Three Things About Thankfulness (KIDS WISDOM)
- August 2 – Jesus Appears to Thomas (LIFE OF JESUS)
- August 9 – The Great Commission (LIFE OF JESUS)
- August 16 – Jesus and the Big Catch (LIFE OF JESUS)
- August 23 – Jesus and the White Horse (LIFE OF JESUS)
- August 30 – Jesus Sitting on the Throne (LIFE OF JESUS)
Looking for more? View full lesson schedule.
Teacher Recruiting
Download and use the videos below in your church service to recruit volunteers for your Kids’ Church ministry.
- It’s Easy!
- We’re Just Kids!
- Kids’ Church Chaos
Teacher Training
Volunteering for Kids’ Church? Make sure to complete our PGK Training Series.
Hey teachers! Download our free artwork to decorate your classroom walls, TVs, and more.
- Quarter-at-a-glance
- Weekly Images
- Kids Cutouts
- Wallpapers
- Wall Art
- Logos
- Bible Bucks
Complete our 12-week family devotional to help your kids get a great start in their pursuit of God. Click the icon above to begin.
Hey parents! Did you know we have even more topics on marriage and parenting at pursueGOD.org? Click the link above to check it out!
All Topics
Bible Basics
Life of Jesus
- Jesus Anointed With Perfume
- The Last Supper
- The Story of the Runaway Son
- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
- The Good Samaritan
- The Transfiguration
- What Is Easter?
- The Four Soils
- An Easy Yoke
- Jesus Heals a Blind Man
- Jesus Walks On Water
- What Jesus Says About Worry
- Jesus and the Rich Man
- What Jesus Thinks About Kids
- Jesus Heals a Paralytic
- The Parable of the Wedding Feast
- Always Be Ready
- The Most Important Commandment
- Building On a Rock
- Jesus and the Pharisees
- The Woman at the Well
- The Window to Your Heart
- The Golden Rule
- The Triumphant Entry
- The Parable of the Vineyard Workers
- Jesus Calms a Storm
- The Parable of the Hidden Treasure
- Jesus and Nicodemus
- The Parable of the Unforgiving Debtor
- Jesus Feeds Five Thousand
- Jesus Heals a Leper
- The Resurrection
- The Passover
- Jesus Heals A Gentile
- The Real Family of Jesus
- Jesus Picks His Disciples
- Temptation of Jesus
- No Room in the Inn
- It’s Not About the Presents
- Jesus Turns Water Into Wine
- The Most Famous Sermon of Jesus
- The Baptism of Jesus
- John the Baptist
- Jesus Is the Word
- Jesus Sitting on the Throne
- Jesus and the White Horse
- Jesus and the Big Catch
- The Great Commission
- Jesus Appears to Thomas
- Jesus Dies for the Whole World
- Jesus Before Pilate
- Peter Denies Jesus
- Jesus Raises Lazarus
- The Vine and the Branches
- The Good Shepherd
- The Parable of the Talents
- The Famous Last Words of Jesus
- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
Bible Storyline
- The Kingdom Is Divided
- Solomon Builds The Temple
- Wise King Solomon
- David’s Big Mistake
- David Becomes King
- David On The Run
- David and Goliath
- King Saul
- The People Demand a King
- Brave Little Samuel
- Hannah’s Prayer
- Gideon
- Deborah
- Why Did God Use Judges?
- The Fall of Jericho
- Rahab and the Spies
- The Promised Land
- What Happened to Jonah?
- Jonah and the Big Fish
- Jethro’s Advice
- When Moses Glowed
- The Golden Calf
- Daniel and the Lion’s Den
- Manna From Heaven
- Daniel and the Spooky Hand
- The Fiery Furnace
- Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzer
- Miriam
- Jeremiah
- Isaiah
- Parting the Red Sea
- Naaman
- Elisha
- Elijah
- Who Were The Prophets?
- Pharaoh and the Plagues
- Moses and the Burning Bush
- Moses Makes a Big Mistake
- The Birth of Moses
- How Joseph Rose to the Top
- Joseph and the Cool Robe
- How Jacob Stole a Blessing
- Why Esau Sold His Birthright
- Isaac and the Sacrifice
- Abraham
- The Famous Tower of Babel
- Noah and the Rainbow
- Noah and The Flood
- Cain and Abel
- How Adam and Eve Messed It All Up
- Samson the Strong Man
- How God Created Everything
- Paul in Rome
- The Shipwreck
- Paul and Silas Go to Jail
- The Big Meeting in Jerusalem
- Paul Hits the Road
- Peter’s Big Escape
- Peter’s Crazy Vision
- Saul Meets Jesus
- Philip Shares with an Ethiopian
- Stephen Lives for Jesus
- Peter Heals a Beggar
- The Church Is Born
- The Ten Commandments
- How Job’s Story Ended
- What Happened to Job?
- Esther the Beautiful Queen
- Nehemiah the Cupbearer
- Ezra the Scribe
- The Last King – Zedekiah
- Daniel and the Lions’ Den
Kid Wisdom
Classic Series
Check out our PGK 6th Grade Curriculum - covering 39 weeks in total with bonus lessons for the summer. Click the icon above to get started.