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Growing as a Christian kid works a lot like how a tree grows. To have strong branches you need good roots.
Key Points:
- We need a good root system so we can grow big and strong. Ephesians 3:17
- The first root is faith. We need to be strong in our relationship with God.
- The second root is family. Your parents love you and take care of you and they teach you right from wrong.
- The third root is friends. Good friends are the ones that encourage you to honor God and to obey your parents.
Memory Verse:
Ephesians 3:17 Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God’s love and keep you strong.
See Also: Priorities, Relationships
Talk About It
- What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Have you ever tried to grow something? (garden, tree, flower). What did you do to make it grow? Did it grow? Why or why not?
- What are the 3 roots we need to grow big and strong?
- How does the root of faith help us to grow?
- How do our parents help us to grow?
- How can friends stop us from growing?
- Read Colossians 2:6-7. What are some things you can do to grow in your faith? Why should we be thankful?
- Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
This is part of the Get Rich (Ephesians) Series
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