Summer Challenge

Hey kids and parents! Take the Bible Challenge and make the most of your family devotional time this summer! Here’s how it works: (1) Complete this checklist throughout the summer with your family, (2) turn it in to Kids’ Church by the due date, and (3) earn a certificate and get celebrated at summer’s end!

Challenge #1

The Pursuit for Kids

Complete 12 family devotionals from our classic PGK series! Watch a fun video together as a family, then have a quick conversation about what you learned! Make sure to pray together before you finish each lesson!

Challenge #2

Kids Wisdom Topic

Pick one topic (click button below) and write a paragraph about what you learned! This is practice for something called “journaling”. You’ll learn to do it later as a teen!

Challenge #3

4 Memory Verses

Memorize John 3:16, Romans 3:22, 2 Timothy 3:16, & Colossians 3:20. Print out the Memory Verses (Page 2 in the handout above) and put it up on your fridge to help you remember.  Parents – you can memorize these too!

Challenge #4

Art Project

Create something fun about a favorite Bible story! Use crayons and make a coloring page or use a pencil to sketch a drawing. Or maybe you can build something that you’ve read about in the Bible!

Printable Resources

For parents, pastors, and Kids’ Church directors: