Author: PG Kids


In this 3-lesson series we learn all about the dangers of poisonous thoughts, words, and people.

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Habits are the things we do over and over. Find out what God has to say about good and bad habits

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The Rock of Faith

It doesn’t matter how much you know about the Bible if you have never trusted Jesus to make you born again.

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Armor of God

God has a really cool uniform that he wants Christians to think about putting on every single day.

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Hey parents! Just finished the “Shipwrecked” VBS series at your church? Use these topics to follow up with your kids at home.

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Dads and Daughters

Dads, the role you play in the life of your daughter is priceless. Use this series to talk with your daughter about some foundational things that will shape the person she becomes.

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Generosity means giving something away even when it hurts. That’s what Jesus did, and we should too!

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Saul Meets Jesus

Nobody is so bad that Jesus can’t help them. Even the meanest person in your school can experience the love of God!

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