Author: PG Kids

Noah and The Flood

Obeying God is serious stuff, and when he says something he means business! Noah did exactly what God asked, the first time.

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Cain and Abel

Everyone gets jealous, and sometimes it makes you do foolish things. That’s exactly what happened to a brother named Cain.

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Why Read The Bible?

Sometimes the Bible might seem like just a big old book with weird stories in it, but it’s actually an instruction manual for our lives!

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Who Is God?

God is so great that we will never fully know him. These three things are a good start.

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Family 101

New to PGK? Try these 10 topics and start a new “Family Talk” tradition with your kids.

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The Grid for Kids

A 28-Day Challenge to help you see the world like Jesus does. Watch a short Bible reading video every day on your own, and talk about the discussion video every week with your family, group or mentor.

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